Martin Bautista comes to his Brother’s Rescue Amid Ill-Gotten Wealth Scandal, but WAC has a Pretty Good Comeback - Pinoy Thinking

Martin Bautista comes to his Brother’s Rescue Amid Ill-Gotten Wealth Scandal, but WAC has a Pretty Good Comeback


Oklahoma-based Martin Bautista, brother to controversial Comelec Chairman Andres Bautista, recently surfaced to rescue the latter from the issue regarding the unexplained wealth exposed by Andres’ wife, Tisha.

In connection with this, We Are Collective – whose slogan is “Protect the Republic” – raised certain points in their quest to understand the elder Bautista’s motives, as the move not only fails in pulling the Comelec chair out of the quicksand but might bury him even deeper.

In response to the interview with News5 in which the doctor made a tour around his expensive Oklahoma house, We Are Collective remarked in their Facebook post

“Granted that your house has a floating Jacuzzi and a f***ing helipad, the question remains: where in God’s name did you get the money to build such grandiose accommodations? Not only does your reply NOT answer the question, it even raises more of it.”

We Are Collective also keenly noted that Martin failed to clear whether or not Andy’s money or the ostentatious house came from his profession as a doctor. Since Martin Bautista claims that the mansion came as a result of the Comelec chairman’s numerous investments, We Are Collective asks, 

“Is the IRS aware of that?”

In the same Facebook post hashtagged #DirtyRottenScoundrels, We Are Collective pointed out that not only did Martin’s ‘ill-planned publicity stunt’ fail to prove brother Andy’s innocence, it also raised the possibility that the doctor was Andres Bautista’s dummy all along, and might soon be *in a deeper sh*t hole* for alerting the IRS.

For those not familiar with it, the IRS or Internal Revenue Service is the US government agency responsible for collecting taxes and enforcing tax laws. They’re like the BIR of the US, only better.

WAC was also quick to point out that setting relatives up as dummies for ill-gotten wealth is common practice for public officials whose meager salaries cannot possibly justify their properties regardless of what kind of math you use.

The line that We Are Collective used to conclude this post is internet gold:

Truly money can buy you houses and all kinds of luxuries, but it cannot grow you a smarter brain.

Meanwhile, here’s a link to the Martin Bautista’s News5 interview where he shows-off his mansion:

Source: WAC, News5
Martin Bautista comes to his Brother’s Rescue Amid Ill-Gotten Wealth Scandal, but WAC has a Pretty Good Comeback Martin Bautista comes to his Brother’s Rescue Amid Ill-Gotten Wealth Scandal, but WAC has a Pretty Good Comeback Reviewed by Unknown on 3:12:00 AM Rating: 5
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