Drug Buster Cop PCI Jovie Espenido barred from Promotion by Jesse Robredo - Pinoy Thinking

Drug Buster Cop PCI Jovie Espenido barred from Promotion by Jesse Robredo

The Police Chief Inspector who spearheaded the drug raid at Osamiz City is gaining popularity for having caught Mayor Reynaldo Parojinog Sr. and his clan members with zero casualties from the Philippine National Police (PNP) Jovie Espenido, renowned as the “drug buster cop” was responsible for the Osamiz police operation at the Parojinog residence where they caught and slain 14 from the big time drug lords. Leading to the arrest of Vice Mayor Nova Princess Parojinog and the death of Mayor Reynaldo Parojinog, because of this he gained more popularity on social media.

He was able to arrest top wanted personalities like Kumander Danilo Mojado in 2004 a former government soldier, alleged member of the left-leaning group, and suspected leader of highway robbery.

Chief Inspector Jovie Espenido was also responsible for the arrest of the late Mayor Espinosa of Albuerra, Leyte.
Espenido holds an exemplary record in fighting against illegal drugs having started way back in September 1996 in Negros Oriental. After 12 years of in service and several regions later, Espenido got 83 commendations awards and he was enjoying quick promotions among the ranks.

Recent conspiracies and controversies have arise surrounding Robredo as head of the Department of Interion and Local Government (DILG) and his illegal drug network in Naga City along with illegal gambling.  His promotions came to a halt when the late former Naga City Mayor stepped into the picture.

“Espenido, the police chief who took down the Parojinogs, was so effective at getting drug criminals in the past that he had promotions after promotions until someone barred him from going higher. That someone is- Jessie Robredo.” This was stated and first published on social media concerned netizen Eric Clark Su. With this, controversy is spreading online that the Robredo’s are involved in the illegal gambling network in Naga City.
Drug Buster Cop PCI Jovie Espenido barred from Promotion by Jesse Robredo Drug Buster Cop PCI Jovie Espenido barred from Promotion by Jesse Robredo Reviewed by Jologs on 8:22:00 AM Rating: 5
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