Autopsy Revealed that the Parojinogs Fought Back - Pinoy Thinking

Autopsy Revealed that the Parojinogs Fought Back


Ever since the news broke out regarding the Parojinog raid incident, Philippine news has been rife with claims of injustice, of overkill, of the deceased not having exchanged shots with the authorities who carried out the raid.

8 out of 16 families of the casualties in the bloody incident consented to an autopsy, and the results are finally out.

8 of the casualties tested positive to gunpowder residue in the paraffin test, proof that the Parojinogs and party indeed fired shots against the PNP et al.

10 of the deceased underwent post-mortem examination, but the late mayor’s wife Susan and his sister Mona were not subjected to paraffin testing anymore as no firearms were recovered near their bodies, according to Chief Supt. Dionaldo Carlos, PNP spokesperson.

In an interview with Bombo Radyo, one of the leading radio stations in the country, PNP Crime Laboratory Region 10 Chief Sr, Supt. Leocy Mag-Abo stated that blast injuries caused the deaths of siblings Octavio and Mona Parojinog, the late mayor Aldong took bullets to the face and chest, and Susan received a shot through the left eye to the back of the head. There was no “smudging” or “sooting” noted in any of the wounds of couple; clear evidence that they were not shot on close range. This is completely opposite to the claims of a certain alias Cesar, a survivor of the raid, who insisted that he and the rest of the Parojinogs were grouped in a corner of the mayor’s house, where Susan, Aldong, and Octavio were shot down.

In addition, Supt. Carlos also clarified that the white object that the police, with a bit if a struggle, obtained from Nova Princess Parojinog was indeed a piece of paper with a list of names.

The Ozamis City vice mayor and her brother Reynaldo Jr. remain under arrest and are detained at the PNP Custodial Center in Camp Crame. 
Autopsy Revealed that the Parojinogs Fought Back Autopsy Revealed that the Parojinogs Fought Back Reviewed by Unknown on 5:19:00 AM Rating: 5
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