REVEALED! Andres Bautista's Ill-Gotten Wealth Is Connected To Jesse Robredo - Pinoy Thinking

REVEALED! Andres Bautista's Ill-Gotten Wealth Is Connected To Jesse Robredo


A few days ago, the wife of Andres Bautista revealed her husband's ill-begotten wealth which had the public enraged. Although Bautista denied everything and tried to turn the tables around to put the blame on his wife, the public knew better. We all know Bautista is hiding something and we won't be fooled by him victim game.

You know what else is shocking? Social Media Blogger Sass Rogando Sasot has inadvertently discovered something while watching ANC Headstart. Her fast eye on things like these prompt her to research more when she spotted something fishy with the envelope Patricia Bautista was showing the camera.

During the interview of Patricia Bautista in ANC Headstart she was showing envelopes containing money. The envelopes are supposed to be salaries for PCGG employees, possibly ghost employees. One of the envelopes that was shown bears the name HOWARD VITAS.
What a coincidence! The name of the husband of Gaile Robredo, relative of Jesse Robredo, is HOWARD VITAS!

This revelation of Sass received a lot of comments and most of them agree to her. Here are some of the comments.

How about you? What are your thoughts?
REVEALED! Andres Bautista's Ill-Gotten Wealth Is Connected To Jesse Robredo REVEALED! Andres Bautista's Ill-Gotten Wealth Is Connected To Jesse Robredo Reviewed by Unknown on 11:25:00 PM Rating: 5
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